NFS Server
If you have two or more machines, you may wish to share disk space or devices, such as a CD drive, between machines. For this there is network file system (NFS), the easiest way of sharing files and resources across a network.
NFS is the way of working with files on a remote machine as if they are on your local one. NFS is the standard de facto solution to access the same $HOME directories from any machine on the Net. Using it also is a good way to avoid keeping duplicated informatioNFS n from eating large amounts of disk space.
How to make NFS
System should be Yum Server or Yum Client.
yum install nfs* -y (package install)
yum install portmap* -y (package install)
mkdir /Data_Share (making Dir for sharing)
vim /Data_Share/file1 (making file)
vim /etc/exports
/Data_Share *(rw,sync)
service nfs restart (Restart the Service)
service portmap restart (Restart the Service)
chkconfig nfs on
chkconfig portmap on
Configuration on Client Side
mount -t nfs /mnt (Considering server ip as
vim /etc/fstab (To make Permanent Entry) /mnt nfs default 0 0
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